2 Introduction to dtplyr

2.1 dtplyr basics

Load data into R via data.table, and then wrap it with dtplyr

  1. Load the data.table, dplyr, dtplyr, purrr and fs libraries

  2. Read the transactions.csv file, from the /usr/share/class/files folder. Use the fread() function to load the data into a variable called transactions

  3. Preview the data using glimpse()

    ## Observations: 250,000
    ## Variables: 14
    ## $ order_id        <int> 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1003, 1…
    ## $ customer_id     <int> 22, 22, 22, 22, 6, 6, 6, 6, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 55,…
    ## $ customer_name   <chr> "Dr. Birdie Kessler", "Dr. Birdie Kessler", "Dr. Birdie…
    ## $ customer_phone  <chr> "684.226.0455", "684.226.0455", "684.226.0455", "684.22…
    ## $ customer_cc     <int64> 6011608753104063698, 6011608753104063698, 60116087531…
    ## $ customer_lon    <dbl> -122.484, -122.484, -122.484, -122.484, -122.429, -122.…
    ## $ customer_lat    <dbl> 37.7395, 37.7395, 37.7395, 37.7395, 37.7298, 37.7298, 3…
    ## $ date            <chr> "2016-01-01", "2016-01-01", "2016-01-01", "2016-01-01",…
    ## $ date_year       <int> 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2…
    ## $ date_month      <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
    ## $ date_month_name <chr> "Jan", "Jan", "Jan", "Jan", "Jan", "Jan", "Jan", "Jan",…
    ## $ date_day        <chr> "Friday", "Friday", "Friday", "Friday", "Friday", "Frid…
    ## $ product_id      <int> 6, 27, 30, 2, 17, 1, 5, 4, 27, 16, 30, 6, 11, 30, 30, 1…
    ## $ price           <dbl> 9.88, 7.53, 5.64, 4.89, 6.48, 6.70, 4.27, 7.38, 7.53, 5…
  4. Use lazy_dt() to “wrap” the transactions variable into a new variable called dt_transactions

  5. View dt_transactions structure with glimpse()

    ## List of 7
    ##  $ parent       :Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':  250000 obs. of  14 variables:
    ##   ..$ order_id       : int [1:250000] 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 ...
    ##   ..$ customer_id    : int [1:250000] 22 22 22 22 6 6 6 6 80 80 ...
    ##   ..$ customer_name  : chr [1:250000] "Dr. Birdie Kessler" "Dr. Birdie Kessler" "Dr. Birdie Kessler" "Dr. Birdie Kessler" ...
    ##   ..$ customer_phone : chr [1:250000] "684.226.0455" "684.226.0455" "684.226.0455" "684.226.0455" ...
    ##   ..$ customer_cc    :integer64 [1:250000] 6011608753104063698 6011608753104063698 6011608753104063698 6011608753104063698 4964180480255037 4964180480255037 4964180480255037 4964180480255037 ... 
    ##   ..$ customer_lon   : num [1:250000] -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 ...
    ##   ..$ customer_lat   : num [1:250000] 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7 ...
    ##   ..$ date           : chr [1:250000] "2016-01-01" "2016-01-01" "2016-01-01" "2016-01-01" ...
    ##   ..$ date_year      : int [1:250000] 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 ...
    ##   ..$ date_month     : int [1:250000] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
    ##   ..$ date_month_name: chr [1:250000] "Jan" "Jan" "Jan" "Jan" ...
    ##   ..$ date_day       : chr [1:250000] "Friday" "Friday" "Friday" "Friday" ...
    ##   ..$ product_id     : int [1:250000] 6 27 30 2 17 1 5 4 27 16 ...
    ##   ..$ price          : num [1:250000] 9.88 7.53 5.64 4.89 6.48 6.7 4.27 7.38 7.53 5.21 ...
    ##   ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
    ##  $ vars         : chr [1:14] "order_id" "customer_id" "customer_name" "customer_phone" ...
    ##  $ groups       : chr(0) 
    ##  $ implicit_copy: logi FALSE
    ##  $ needs_copy   : logi FALSE
    ##  $ env          :<environment: R_GlobalEnv> 
    ##  $ name         : symbol _DT1
    ##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_first" "dtplyr_step"

2.2 Object sizes

Confirm that dtplyr is not making copies of the original data.table

  1. Load the lobstr library

  2. Use obj_size() to obtain transactions’s size in memory

    ## 23,019,560 B
  3. Use obj_size() to obtain dt_transactions’s size in memory

    ## 23,020,672 B
  4. Use obj_size() to obtain dt_transactions and transactions size in memory together

    ## 23,020,672 B

2.3 How dtplyr works

Under the hood view of how dtplyr operates data.table objects

  1. Use dplyr verbs on top of dt_transactions to obtain the total sales by month

    ## Source: local data table [?? x 2]
    ## Call:   `_DT1`[, .(total_sales = sum(price)), keyby = .(date_month)]
    ##   date_month total_sales
    ##        <int>       <dbl>
    ## 1          1    1120628.
    ## 2          2     562719.
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results
  2. Load the above code into a variable called by_month

  3. Use show_query() to see the data.table code that by_month actually runs

    ## `_DT1`[, .(total_sales = sum(price)), keyby = .(date_month)]
  4. Use glimpse() to view how by_month, instead of modifying the data, only adds steps that will later be executed by data.table

    ## List of 6
    ##  $ parent       :List of 9
    ##   ..$ parent       :List of 6
    ##   .. ..$ parent       :List of 7
    ##   .. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_first" "dtplyr_step"
    ##   .. ..$ vars         : chr [1:14] "order_id" "customer_id" "customer_name" "customer_phone" ...
    ##   .. ..$ groups       : chr "date_month"
    ##   .. ..$ implicit_copy: logi FALSE
    ##   .. ..$ needs_copy   : logi FALSE
    ##   .. ..$ env          :<environment: R_GlobalEnv> 
    ##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_group" "dtplyr_step"
    ##   ..$ vars         : chr [1:2] "date_month" "total_sales"
    ##   ..$ groups       : chr "date_month"
    ##   ..$ implicit_copy: logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ needs_copy   : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ env          :<environment: R_GlobalEnv> 
    ##   ..$ i            : NULL
    ##   ..$ j            : language .(total_sales = sum(price))
    ##   ..$ on           : chr(0) 
    ##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_subset" "dtplyr_step"
    ##  $ vars         : chr [1:2] "date_month" "total_sales"
    ##  $ groups       : chr(0) 
    ##  $ implicit_copy: logi TRUE
    ##  $ needs_copy   : logi FALSE
    ##  $ env          :<environment: R_GlobalEnv> 
    ##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_group" "dtplyr_step"
  5. Create a new column using mutate()

    ## Source: local data table [?? x 15]
    ## Call:   copy(`_DT1`)[, `:=`(new_field = price/2)]
    ##   order_id customer_id customer_name customer_phone customer_cc customer_lon
    ##      <int>       <int> <chr>         <chr>          <int64>            <dbl>
    ## 1     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 2     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 3     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 4     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 5     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## 6     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## # … with 9 more variables: customer_lat <dbl>, date <chr>, date_year <int>,
    ## #   date_month <int>, date_month_name <chr>, date_day <chr>, product_id <int>,
    ## #   price <dbl>, new_field <dbl>
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results
  6. Use show_query() to see the copy() command being used

    ## copy(`_DT1`)[, `:=`(new_field = price/2)]
  7. Check to confirm that the new column did not persist in dt_transactions

    ## Source: local data table [250,000 x 14]
    ## Call:   `_DT1`
    ##   order_id customer_id customer_name customer_phone customer_cc customer_lon
    ##      <int>       <int> <chr>         <chr>          <int64>            <dbl>
    ## 1     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 2     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 3     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 4     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 5     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## 6     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## # … with 8 more variables: customer_lat <dbl>, date <chr>, date_year <int>,
    ## #   date_month <int>, date_month_name <chr>, date_day <chr>, product_id <int>,
    ## #   price <dbl>
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results
  8. Use lazy_dt() with the immutable argument set to FALSE to avoid the copy

    ## Source: local data table [250,000 x 14]
    ## Call:   `_DT2`
    ##   order_id customer_id customer_name customer_phone customer_cc customer_lon
    ##      <int>       <int> <chr>         <chr>          <int64>            <dbl>
    ## 1     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 2     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 3     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 4     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 5     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## 6     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## # … with 8 more variables: customer_lat <dbl>, date <chr>, date_year <int>,
    ## #   date_month <int>, date_month_name <chr>, date_day <chr>, product_id <int>,
    ## #   price <dbl>
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results
  9. Create a new_field column in m_transactions using mutate()

    ## Source: local data table [?? x 15]
    ## Call:   `_DT2`[, `:=`(new_field = price/2)]
    ##   order_id customer_id customer_name customer_phone customer_cc customer_lon
    ##      <int>       <int> <chr>         <chr>          <int64>            <dbl>
    ## 1     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 2     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 3     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 4     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 5     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## 6     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## # … with 9 more variables: customer_lat <dbl>, date <chr>, date_year <int>,
    ## #   date_month <int>, date_month_name <chr>, date_day <chr>, product_id <int>,
    ## #   price <dbl>, new_field <dbl>
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results
  10. Use show_query() to see that copy() is no longer being used

    ## `_DT2`[, `:=`(new_field = price/2)]
  11. Inspect m_transactions to see that new_field has persisted

    ## Source: local data table [250,000 x 15]
    ## Call:   `_DT2`
    ##   order_id customer_id customer_name customer_phone customer_cc customer_lon
    ##      <int>       <int> <chr>         <chr>          <int64>            <dbl>
    ## 1     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 2     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 3     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 4     1001          22 Dr. Birdie K… 684.226.0455   6011608753…        -122.
    ## 5     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## 6     1002           6 Meggan Bruen  326-151-4331      4964180…        -122.
    ## # … with 9 more variables: customer_lat <dbl>, date <chr>, date_year <int>,
    ## #   date_month <int>, date_month_name <chr>, date_day <chr>, product_id <int>,
    ## #   price <dbl>, new_field <dbl>
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results

2.4 Working with dtplyr

Learn data conversion and basic visualization techniques

  1. Use as_tibble() to convert the results of by_month into a tibble

    ## # A tibble: 2 x 2
    ##   date_month total_sales
    ##        <int>       <dbl>
    ## 1          1    1120628.
    ## 2          2     562719.
  2. Load the ggplot2 library

  3. Use as_tibble() to convert before creating a line plot

2.5 Pivot data

Review a simple way to aggregate data faster, and then pivot it as a tibble

  1. Load the tidyr library

  2. Group db_transactions by date_month and date_day, then aggregate price into total_sales

    ## Source: local data table [?? x 3]
    ## Call:   `_DT1`[, .(total_sales = sum(price)), keyby = .(date_month, date_day)]
    ##   date_month date_day total_sales
    ##        <int> <chr>          <dbl>
    ## 1          1 Friday       173787.
    ## 2          1 Monday       139347.
    ## 3          1 Saturday     177207.
    ## 4          1 Sunday       177685.
    ## 5          1 Thursday     156396.
    ## 6          1 Tuesday      141127.
    ## # Use as.data.table()/as.data.frame()/as_tibble() to access results
  3. Copy the aggregation code above, collect it into a tibble, and then use pivot_wider() to make the date_day the column headers.

    ## # A tibble: 2 x 8
    ##   date_month  Friday  Monday Saturday  Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday
    ##        <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
    ## 1          1 173787. 139347.  177207. 177685.  156396. 141127.   155081.
    ## 2          2  80580.  83118.   84947.  80768.   77853.  79288.    76166.