8 Advanced Operations

8.1 Simple wrapper function

  1. Load the connections and dplyr libraries

  2. Use connection_open() to open a Database connection

  3. Create a variable that points to the v_orders table

  4. Create a simple dplyr call that gets the average of all order totals

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.0
  5. Load the rlang library

  6. Create a new function call my_mean() that will take an argument, x, and then returns the results of enquo(x)

  7. Test the new function. It should return the same variable name, but inside quosure. Use order_total as its argument’s value to test

    ## <quosure>
    ## expr: ^order_total
    ## env:  global
  8. In the function, re-assign x to the result of enquo(x), and then return x

  9. Test the same way again, the output should match to what it was as before

    ## <quosure>
    ## expr: ^order_total
    ## env:  global
  10. Remove the last line that has x, add the contents of the function with the initial dplyr code from step 3. Then replace order_total with !! x

  11. Test the new function by passing order_total as x

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.0
  12. In the summarise() step, replace the name mean, with !! as_label(x), also replace the = sign, with :=

  13. Run the function again, the name of the column should match the argument value

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##   order_total
    ##         <dbl>
    ## 1        38.0
  14. Test the function by passing a formula, such as order_total / order_qty

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##   `order_total/order_qty`
    ##                     <dbl>
    ## 1                    6.65
  15. Make the function generic, add a new argument called: .data. Inisde the function, replace orders with .data

  16. The function now behaves more like a dplyr verb. Start with orders and then pipe into the function

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##   order_total
    ##         <dbl>
    ## 1        38.0
  17. Clean up the code by removing the pipe that inside the function

  18. Confirm that there is no change in the behavior of the function

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##   order_total
    ##         <dbl>
    ## 1        38.0
  19. Add a show_query() step to preview the resulting SQL statement

    ## <SQL>
    ## SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "order_total"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
  20. Try the function with a non-DB backed variable, such as mtcars. Use mpg as the aggregating variable

    ##        mpg
    ## 1 20.09062

8.2 Multiple variables

Create functions that handle a variable number of arguments. The goal of the exercise is to create an anti-select() function.

  1. Load the purrr package

  2. Use as the second argument of a function called de_select(). Inside the function use enquos() to parse it

  3. Test the function using airports

    ## <list_of<quosure>>
    ## [[1]]
    ## <quosure>
    ## expr: ^order_id
    ## env:  0x56522573ace8
    ## [[2]]
    ## <quosure>
    ## expr: ^date
    ## env:  0x56522573ace8
  4. Add a step to the function that iterates through each quosure and prefixes a minus sign to tell select() to drop that specific field. Use map() for the iteration, and quo() to create the prefixed expression.

  5. Run the same test to view the new results

    ## [[1]]
    ## <quosure>
    ## expr: ^-^order_id
    ## env:  0x565225b688f0
    ## [[2]]
    ## <quosure>
    ## expr: ^-^date
    ## env:  0x565225b6b610
  6. Add the select() step. Use !!! to parse the vars variable inside select()

  7. Run the test again, this time the operation will take place.

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 8]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    date_year date_month customer_id customer_name customer_lon customer_lat
    ##        <int>      <int>       <int> <chr>                <dbl>        <dbl>
    ##  1      2016          1          22 Dr. Birdie K…        -122.         37.7
    ##  2      2016          1           6 Meggan Bruen         -122.         37.7
    ##  3      2016          1          80 Jessee Rodri…        -122.         37.7
    ##  4      2016          1          55 Kathryn Stehr        -122.         37.8
    ##  5      2016          1          73 Merlyn Runol…        -122.         37.7
    ##  6      2016          1          70 Reggie Mills         -122.         37.7
    ##  7      2016          1          55 Kathryn Stehr        -122.         37.8
    ##  8      2016          1          40 Dr. Trace Gl…        -122.         37.8
    ##  9      2016          1          78 Pricilla Goo…        -122.         37.8
    ## 10      2016          1          35 Mr. Commodor…        -122.         37.7
    ## # … with more rows, and 2 more variables: order_total <dbl>, order_qty <int>
  8. Add a show_query() step to see the resulting SQL

    ## <SQL>
    ## SELECT "date_year", "date_month", "customer_id", "customer_name", "customer_lon", "customer_lat", "order_total", "order_qty"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
  9. Test the function with a different data set, such as mtcars

    ##                     cyl  disp  hp drat  qsec vs gear carb
    ## Mazda RX4             6 160.0 110 3.90 16.46  0    4    4
    ## Mazda RX4 Wag         6 160.0 110 3.90 17.02  0    4    4
    ## Datsun 710            4 108.0  93 3.85 18.61  1    4    1
    ## Hornet 4 Drive        6 258.0 110 3.08 19.44  1    3    1
    ## Hornet Sportabout     8 360.0 175 3.15 17.02  0    3    2
    ## Valiant               6 225.0 105 2.76 20.22  1    3    1
    ## Duster 360            8 360.0 245 3.21 15.84  0    3    4
    ## Merc 240D             4 146.7  62 3.69 20.00  1    4    2
    ## Merc 230              4 140.8  95 3.92 22.90  1    4    2
    ## Merc 280              6 167.6 123 3.92 18.30  1    4    4
    ## Merc 280C             6 167.6 123 3.92 18.90  1    4    4
    ## Merc 450SE            8 275.8 180 3.07 17.40  0    3    3
    ## Merc 450SL            8 275.8 180 3.07 17.60  0    3    3
    ## Merc 450SLC           8 275.8 180 3.07 18.00  0    3    3
    ## Cadillac Fleetwood    8 472.0 205 2.93 17.98  0    3    4
    ## Lincoln Continental   8 460.0 215 3.00 17.82  0    3    4
    ## Chrysler Imperial     8 440.0 230 3.23 17.42  0    3    4
    ## Fiat 128              4  78.7  66 4.08 19.47  1    4    1
    ## Honda Civic           4  75.7  52 4.93 18.52  1    4    2
    ## Toyota Corolla        4  71.1  65 4.22 19.90  1    4    1
    ## Toyota Corona         4 120.1  97 3.70 20.01  1    3    1
    ## Dodge Challenger      8 318.0 150 2.76 16.87  0    3    2
    ## AMC Javelin           8 304.0 150 3.15 17.30  0    3    2
    ## Camaro Z28            8 350.0 245 3.73 15.41  0    3    4
    ## Pontiac Firebird      8 400.0 175 3.08 17.05  0    3    2
    ## Fiat X1-9             4  79.0  66 4.08 18.90  1    4    1
    ## Porsche 914-2         4 120.3  91 4.43 16.70  0    5    2
    ## Lotus Europa          4  95.1 113 3.77 16.90  1    5    2
    ## Ford Pantera L        8 351.0 264 4.22 14.50  0    5    4
    ## Ferrari Dino          6 145.0 175 3.62 15.50  0    5    6
    ## Maserati Bora         8 301.0 335 3.54 14.60  0    5    8
    ## Volvo 142E            4 121.0 109 4.11 18.60  1    4    2

8.3 Multiple queries

Suggested approach to avoid passing multiple, and similar, queries to the database

  1. Create a simple dplyr piped operation that returns the mean of order_total for the months of January, February and March as a group

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  37.9
  2. Assign the first operation to a variable called a, and create copy of the operation but changing the selected months to January, March and April. Assign the second one to a variable called b.

  3. Use union() to pass a and b at the same time to the database

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  37.9
    ## 2  38.0
  4. Pipe the previous instruction to show_query() to confirm that the resulting query is a single one

    ## <SQL>
    ## (SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" IN (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)))
    ## UNION
    ## (SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" IN (1.0, 3.0, 4.0)))
  5. Assign to a new variable called months an overlapping set of months

  6. Use map() to cycle through each set of overlapping months. Notice that it returns three separate results, meaning that it went to the database three times

    ## [[1]]
    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  37.9
    ## [[2]]
    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.0
    ## [[3]]
    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.2
  7. Add a reduce() operation and use union() command to create a single query

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.2
    ## 2  38.0
    ## 3  37.9
  8. Use show_query() to see the resulting single query sent to the database

    ## <SQL>
    ## ((SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" IN (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)))
    ## UNION
    ## (SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" IN (1.0, 3.0, 4.0))))
    ## UNION
    ## (SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" IN (2.0, 4.0, 6.0)))

8.4 Multiple queries with an overlapping range

  1. Create a table with a from and to ranges

  2. See how map2() works by passing the two variables as the x and y arguments, and adding them as the function

    ## [[1]]
    ## [1] 5
    ## [[2]]
    ## [1] 7
    ## [[3]]
    ## [1] 10
  3. Replace x + y with the dplyr operation from the previous exercise. In it, re-write the filter to use x and y as the month ranges

    ## [[1]]
    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.0
    ## [[2]]
    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.2
    ## [[3]]
    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.3
  4. Add the reduce() operation

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    mean
    ##   <dbl>
    ## 1  38.3
    ## 2  38.0
    ## 3  38.2
  5. Add a show_query() step to see how the final query was constructed.

    ## <SQL>
    ## ((SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" >= 1.0 AND "date_month" <= 4.0))
    ## UNION
    ## (SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" >= 2.0 AND "date_month" <= 5.0)))
    ## UNION
    ## (SELECT AVG("order_total") AS "mean"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders
    ## WHERE ("date_month" >= 3.0 AND "date_month" <= 7.0))

8.5 Characters to field names

  1. Create two character variables. One with the name of a field in flights and another with a new name to be given to the field

  2. Add a mutate() step that adds the new field. And then another step selecting just the new field

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    my_field   
    ##    <chr>      
    ##  1 order_total
    ##  2 order_total
    ##  3 order_total
    ##  4 order_total
    ##  5 order_total
    ##  6 order_total
    ##  7 order_total
    ##  8 order_total
    ##  9 order_total
    ## 10 order_total
    ## # … with more rows
  3. Add a mutate() step that adds the new field. And then another step selecting just the new field

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##    new        
    ##    <chr>      
    ##  1 order_total
    ##  2 order_total
    ##  3 order_total
    ##  4 order_total
    ##  5 order_total
    ##  6 order_total
    ##  7 order_total
    ##  8 order_total
    ##  9 order_total
    ## 10 order_total
    ## # … with more rows
  4. Wrap orders_field inside a sym() function

    ## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
    ## # Database: postgres [rstudio_admin@localhost:5432/postgres]
    ##      new
    ##    <dbl>
    ##  1 27.9 
    ##  2 24.8 
    ##  3 42.2 
    ##  4 16.6 
    ##  5 32.6 
    ##  6  6.7 
    ##  7 46.8 
    ##  8 15.8 
    ##  9  9.69
    ## 10 21.6 
    ## # … with more rows
  5. Pipe the code into show_query()

    ## <SQL>
    ## SELECT "order_total" AS "new"
    ## FROM retail.v_orders