class: title
Mothership Connection
Communicating with Shiny
Garrick Aden-Buie
rstudio::conf(2020, "JavaScript for Shiny Users")
--- class: break break-shiny # HTML + JS + CSS +<br>Shiny, oh my! --- # The Many Ways to Web Dev in Shiny 1. Write your front end in raw web languages 1. Just like HTML, but in R 1. Use helpers to inline the CSS/JS 1. Let .pkg[htmltools] and Shiny manage dependencies --- layout: true <h1 class="mb2">Including Extras in Shiny</h1> --- .left-column[ ## Raw HTML ] .right-column[ .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[wwww/index.html] ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> \{{ headContent() }} <title>Fancy Pants App</title> </head> <body> \{{ button }} \{{ slider }} </body> </html> ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[ui.R] ```r htmlTemplate("template.html", button = actionButton("action", "Action"), slider = sliderInput("x", "X", 1, 100, 50) ) ``` ] ] ] --- name: add-raw-html .left-column[ ## Raw HTML ] .right-column[ .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[wwww/index.html] .small[ ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script src="shared/jquery.js"></script> <script src="shared/shiny.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="shared/shiny.css"/> <title>Fancy Pants App</title> </head> <body> <button class="btn btn-default action-button" id="action" type="button"> Action </button> <pre id="summary" class="shiny-text-output"></pre> </body> </html> ``` ] ] .panel[.panel-name[server.R] ```r output$summary <- renderPrint({ input$action }) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[R] ```r button <- shiny::actionButton("action", "Action") cat(format(button)) ``` ``` ## <button id="action" type="button" class="btn btn-default action-button">Action</button> ``` ```r textOut <- shiny::verbatimTextOutput("summary") cat(format(textOut)) ``` ``` ## <pre id="summary" class="shiny-text-output noplaceholder"></pre> ``` ] ] ] --- name: add-html-r .left-column[ ## Raw HTML[.o-30.hover-show[⇤]](#add-raw-html) ## HTML, but R ] .right-column[ .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[HTML] ```html <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="fancy.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="fancy.css"/> </head> <body> <style>/* styles */</style> <script>// javascript...</script> <script src="fancyShoes.js"></script> </body> </html> ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[ui.R] ```r fluidPage( tags$head( tags$script(src = "fancy.js"), tags$link( rel = "stylesheet", href = "fancy.css" ) ), tags$style("/* styles */"), tags$script("// javascript"), tags$script(src = "fancyShoes.js") ) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Note] The source files should live in `www/` Or you need to use ```r shiny::addResourcePath("fancy", "fancy/path/") ``` Also use `HTML()` to write worry-free ```r tags$script(HTML( "el.innerHTML = '<div></div>'" )) ``` ] ] ] --- name: add-inline .left-column[ ## Raw HTML[.o-30.hover-show[⇤]](#add-raw-html) ## HTML, but R[.o-30.hover-show[⇤]](#add-html-r) ## Inline ] .right-column.pl2.pt0[ Drop right in, `path` is what you see ```r fluidPage( includeCSS("fancy.css"), includeScript("fancy.js") ) ``` Avoid adding multiple copies of the same file with ```r fluidPage( includeCSS("fancy.css"), * singleton(includeScript("fancy.js")), * singleton(includeScript("fancy.js")) ) ``` ] .footnote[] --- name: add-htmldep .left-column[ ## Raw HTML[.o-30.hover-show[⇤]](#add-raw-html) ## HTML, but R[.o-30.hover-show[⇤]](#add-html-r) ## Inline[.o-30.hover-show[⇤]](#add-inline) ## htmltools ] .right-column.pl2.pt0[ .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[fancyPkg] ```r fancy_pants_dependency <- function() { htmltools::htmlDependency( name = "fancyPants", version = "1.2.3", package = "fancyPkg", src = "pants", * script = "fancy.js", * stylesheet = "fancy.css", all_files = FALSE ) } ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[fancyUI] ```r fancy_pants <- function(style = "shiny") { htmltools::tagList( # ... pants UI ..., fancy_pants_dependency() ) } ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[app.R] ```r fluidPage( fancy_pants("jeans"), fancy_pants("shiny"), fancy_pants("stretchy") ) ``` But the dependencies are only loaded once! ] ] .panel[.panel-name[html] ```html <html lang="en"> <head> * <script src="fancy.js"></script> * <link rel="stylesheet" href="fancy.css"/> </head> <body> <div class="fancy" id="jeans"></div> <div class="shiny" id="jeans"></div> <div class="stretchy" id="jeans"></div> </body> </html> ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Also...] ```r htmltools::htmlDependency( name = "fancyPants", version = "1.2.3", package = "fancyPkg", src = c( * file = "pants", * href = "", ), script = "fancy.js", stylesheet = "fancy.css", * all_files = FALSE ) ``` ] ] --- class: header_background # What method do you like best? Write down at least one pro and con of using each method. - Raw HTML (`htmlTemplate()`) - HTML written in R - `includeCSS()` and `includeScript()` - `htmltools::htmlDependency()`
-- Compare your list with your neighbors. Does their list change your mind about any of your answers?
--- name: shiny-events-first layout: false class: break fullscreen white middle center animated slideInDown background-image: url('assets/img/bg/unsplash_c9UcT2bMBc0.jpg') background-size: cover background-position: bottom center # Shiny Events --- class: break break-javascript huge animated lightSpeedIn fast # .o-50[$(]jQuery.o-50[)] --- # JavaScript Frameworks Over Time <img src="assets/files/communicating_google-js-framework-search-trends-1.png" width="1152" /> .footnote[Source: [Google Trends](,react,angular,vue)] ??? jQuery was hugely popular, and still is! Some analyses suggest it's used by 86% of pages on the internet. It's also used by 100% of Shiny apps. --- # What's up with .dark-blue[$]? -- `$` is a valid variable name in JavaScript ```js var $ = jQuery ``` -- `_` is too and a few libraries take advantage of that (e.g. .pkg[lodash], .pkg[underscore]) -- .fl.w-30[ Anytime you see... ```js $('.shiny') // or $().on('click') ``` ] -- .fl.w-50[ think ```js jQuery('shiny') // or jQuery().on('click') ``` ] --- # jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript jQuery was way ahead of its time, but vanilla JavaScript caught up .fl.w-50[ .h3[jQuery] ```js const $el = $('.shiny') ``` ] .fl.w-50[ .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document .querySelectorAll('.shiny') ``` ] -- .cl.mt2.mb0[ The result is very similar, but jQuery adds extra methods. ] .fl.w-50.mt0[ ```js $el instanceof jQuery //true $el.hide() // the elements are hidden! ``` ] .fl.w-50.mt0[ ```js el instanceof NodeList //true el.hide() // TypeError: el.hide is not a function ``` ] --- class: center middle animated rotateIn fast .f2.f-galada.text-shadow-4[You Might Not Need jQuery] -- class: not-animated .f4.f-lato.silver[unless you do certain things] -- .f6.f-lato.silver[(and there's nothing wrong with using it)] -- .f6.f-lato[.mr2[🔖] [](] -- .f6.f-lato[.mr2[🔖] [](] ??? Two goals: 1. show the very very basics of jQuery 1. When do you **need* to use jQuery? --- # Finding Elements with jQuery .fl.w-50[ .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document .querySelectorAll('.shiny') ``` ] .fl.w-50[ .h3[jQuery] ```js const $el = $('.shiny') ``` ] --[ ```js const el = document .getElementById('shiny') ``` ] .fl.w-50[ ```js const $el = $('#shiny') ``` ] --- # Creating Elements with jQuery .fl.w-50[ .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document .createElement('div') = 'shiny' document.body.appendChild(el) ``` ] -- .fl.w-50[ .h3[jQuery] ```js $('<div>') .setAttr('id', 'shiny') .appendTo('body') ``` ] --- layout: true # Adding, Removing, Toggling a Class --- .fl.w-50[ .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document .getElementById('shiny') *el.classList.add('fancy') *el.classList.remove('fancy') *el.classList.toggle('fancy') ``` ] -- .fl.w-50[ .h3[jQuery] ```js const $el = $('#shiny') *$el.addClass('fancy') *$el.removeClass('fancy') *$el.toggleClass('fancy') ``` ] --[ ```js const el = document .getElementById('shiny') *el.classList.contains('fancy') ``` ] .fl.w-50[ ```js const $el = $('#shiny') *$el.hasClass('fancy') ``` ] ??? A detail that isn't obvious from this example is that the `$el` is an object and the jQuery methods apply to all of the objects... Whereas we have to write extra code in vanilla to do the same thing --- .fl.w-60[ .h3[Vanilla] ```js const els = document .querySelectorAll('.shiny') *els.forEach( * el => el.classList.add('fancy') *) ``` ] .fl.w-40[ .h3[jQuery] ```js const $els = $('.shiny') *$els.addClass('fancy') ``` ] --- layout: true # Listening to Events --- .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document.querySelectorAll('.shiny') *el.addEventListener('click', ev => { * // respond to event *}) ``` .h3[jQuery] ```js const $el = $('.shiny') *$el.on('click', ev => { * // respond to event *}) ``` --- .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document.querySelectorAll('.shiny') *el.addEventListener('click', ev => { * // respond to event *}) ``` .h3[jQuery] ```js const $el = $('.shiny') *$el.on('click', '.fancy', ev => { * // respond to event if it happened * // on an element with .fancy class *}) ``` --- .h3[Vanilla] ```js const el = document.querySelectorAll('.shiny') el.addEventListener('click', ev => { * // respond to event }) ``` .h3[jQuery] ```js *$(document).on('click', '.fancy', ev => { // respond to click events on .fancy // *even if* the .fancy element is added later }) ``` --- .h3[Vanilla] ```js document.addEventListener('click', ev => { * if ('.fancy')) { * // then go head and respond * } }) ``` .h3[jQuery] ```js *$(document).on('click', '.fancy', ev => { // respond to click events on .fancy // *even if* the .fancy element is added later }) ``` --- .h3[Vanilla] ```js document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Run this code when the DOM is good and ready }) ``` -- .h3[jQuery] ```js $(function() { // Whenever you're ready, browser. }) ``` --- You can create your own events in Vanilla JavaScript and in jQuery -- But you can't respond to custom events created in jQuery using Vanilla JavaScript -- So you .red[need to use jQuery to handle Shiny's custom events] --- layout: false template: shiny-events-first name: shiny-events --- layout: false # Shiny State of Events | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[connected]] | Session first starts | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[disconnected]] | Session ends | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[sessioninitialized]] | Shiny is ready | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[idle]] | Shiny is idle | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[busy]] | Shiny is busy | --- layout: true # Shiny Output Events --- | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[outputinvalidated]] | Element will be updated | --- | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[outputinvalidated]] | Element will be updated | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculating]] | Shiny is thinking about this element | --- | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[outputinvalidated]] | Element will be updated | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculating]] | Shiny is thinking about this element | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculated]] | Shiny server is done thinking | --- | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[outputinvalidated]] | Element will be updated | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculating]] | Shiny is thinking about this element | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculated]] | Shiny server is done thinking | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[value]] | The element changed on the page | --- | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[outputinvalidated]] | Element will be updated | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculating]] | Shiny is thinking about this element | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculated]] | Shiny server is done thinking | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[value]] | The element changed on the page | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[error]] | Recalculation did not compute | --- | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[outputinvalidated]] | Element will be updated | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculating]] | Shiny is thinking about this element | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[recalculated]] | Shiny server is done thinking | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[value]] | The element changed on the page | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[error]] | Recalculation did not compute | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[visualchange]] | Ouput resized, hidden or shown | --- layout: false # Shiny Input Events | Event Name | When | |----|---| | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[inputchanged]] | The input changed(?) | | .code[.silver[shiny:].blue[updateinput]] | Shiny updated the input | .mt5[ Learn more: []( ] --- layout: true class: header_background # Shiny Events --- .f6.code[repl_example("shiny-events-1")] Find the `#run` button When the plot is recalculating: `.on('shiny:recalculating')` - add the .code[disabled] class to the button - use `.setAttribute()` to set disabled to true Then undo the above steps when the output is ready: `.on('shiny:value')` - Note: you need to *remove* the disabled attribute `.removeAttribute('disabled')` --- .f6.code[repl_example("shiny-events-2")] I've added Font Awesome icons with ``` rmarkdown::html_dependency_font_awesome() ``` - Store the run button's original `.innerHTML` - When the plot is recalculating replace the button text with ``` <i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-lg"></i> ``` - When the plot is done, restore the original button text --- .f6.code[repl_example("shiny-events-3")] Now I've added `style.css` ``` addResourcePath("figures", js4shiny:::js4shiny_file('man', 'figures')) tags$head(includeCSS("style.css")) ``` and a loader inside `plot-container`. - Use jQuery to find the loader div - Then use jQuery's `.hide()` and `.show()` methods to hide the plot and show the loader when the plot is recalculating - And reverse when the plot is done --- .f6.code[repl_example("shiny-events-4")] - Does this give you any ideas for your own apps? - .pkg[shinyjs] - `disable()`, `enable()` - `show()`, `hide()` - Questions about events? --- layout: false class: center top white break background-image: url('assets/img/bg/unsplash_71CjSSB83Wo.jpg') background-size: cover background-position: top center <h1 class="mt3">Calling Shiny</h1> --- layout: true # From .red[R ➞] .blue[Shiny] --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", data) ``` --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", TRUE) ``` --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", c(13, 21, 42)) ``` --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", list(type ="fancy", value = 42) ) ``` --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", list(type ="fancy", value = 42) ) ``` ```r jsonlite::toJSON(list(type = "fancy", value = 42)) ``` ``` ## {"type":["fancy"],"value":[42]} ``` --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", c(13, 21, 42)) ``` ```r jsonlite::toJSON(c(13, 21, 42)) ``` ``` ## [13,21,42] ``` --- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", TRUE) ``` ```r jsonlite::toJSON(TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE) ``` ``` ## true ``` --- Then, we need to tell Shiny how to handle the message ```js Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function(message) { // ... do things with the message ... }) ``` --- You can define the function separately if you want ```js function fancyMessageHandler(message) { // ... do things with the message ... } Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', fancyMessageHandler) ``` --- And you can change the name of the argument ```js Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function(x) { // ... do things with the x ... }) ``` --- But your handler function needs .red[one and only one] argument ```js Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function(x, y) { // Shiny will yell at you! }) ``` --- Putting the two together, your message might .b[conditionally trigger an action] <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", TRUE) ``` <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function(condition) { if (condition) { // show element } else { // hide element } }) ``` --- Putting the two together, your message might .b[update text] <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", 42) ``` <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function(value) { const numberPants = document.getElementById('number-of-pants') numberPants.textContent = value }) ``` --- Putting the two together, your message might .b[update several things] <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", list(type ="fancy", value = 42) ) ``` <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function(opts) { const numberPants = document.getElementById('number-of-pants') numberPants.textContent = opts.value numberPants.classList.add(opts.type) }) ``` --- If your message is a list, .b[destructuring] is your friend <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r session$sendCustomMessage("fancyMessage", list(type ="fancy", value = 42) ) ``` ??? What's destructuring? -- <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js *Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('fancyMessage', function({type, value}){ const numberPants = document.getElementById('number-of-pants') * numberPants.textContent = value * numberPants.classList.add(type) }) ``` --- layout: false exclude: true FIXME - hide/show example using messages --- layout: true # From .red[Shiny ➞] .blue[R] --- <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js Shiny.setInputValue('fancyPants', 42) ``` -- <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r # inside observe({}) input$fancyPants ``` ``` ## [1] 42 ``` --- <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js let nPants = document.getElementById('n-fancy-pants') nPants.addEventListener('click', function(event) { Shiny.setInputValue('fancyPants', }) ``` <div class="pre-name">server.R</div> ```r # inside observe({}) input$fancyPants ``` ``` ## [1] 42 ``` --- Shiny won't resend values that don't change, unless... <div class="pre-name">fancy.js</div> ```js Shiny.setInputValue('fancyPants', true, {priority: 'event'}) ``` --- layout: false class: header_background # Try it in the console .f6.code[repl_example("shiny-setInputValue")] - Run the app and send it to your browser - Open that JavaScript console and run something like ```js Shiny.setInputValue('hi', 'rstudio::conf') ``` - Try sending strings, numbers, arrays and objects
--- layout: true # R .red[↔] Shiny --- class: break center middle .f1[👨🏼‍💻]<br> .code.f6[for a fancier htmlwidget] ??? This is my last "fancier" I promise [Better Data Updates]( One more slide to get us back in the head space of Frappe Charts --- layout: false # Our goal 1. We want our chart to be able to receieve updates from Shiny Re-render without re-drawing the whole plot. []( -- 1. We want to send data back to Shiny about which element of the plot is currently selected .code[isNavigable === true] [](